Friday, June 19, 2009

Day 12. 6/19. North Bend / Coos Bay

Day 12. Friday June 19, 2009.

It was so warm and sunny yesterday afternoon, when night came Chris says, "I think I'll try sleeping in the tent without the rain fly." The rain began within minutes and continued all night and into the morning. My tent was thoroughly smoked throughout the night as campfires smoldered in the drip. By morning it smelled like barbecue. We packed up all wet and dawdled at the Umpqua Lighthouse Museum, looked at every little thing waiting for the rain to stop. It was pretty cool. Finally around 11 we gave up and rode off.

It did finally let up after a couple more hours and we stopped for lunch at Jack Ripper county park. Chris says, "It looks like the rain is done for today." Within moments it started again and we sogged on.

The big excitement for the day was crossing the high bridge at Coos Bay, which our map said to walk bikes across. The sidewalk was just wide enough for the trailer, except for the last 150 feet where they had hung a shelter for the bridge workers below, that narrowed the sidewalk to about 16 inches. We carried the trailer for that last part. It was a long bridge - took about 25 minutes to walk it, with horizontal rain coming on our right side the whole time.

We got a hotel room for the night and pulled everything apart to dry it out.  Then we hit the hot tub.

21.5 miles

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